Friday, November 6, 2009

A Martian Eclipse Added To Withoutabox

I’ve created a project page at Withoutabox (this is the main online portal which eases the process of festival entry - with a few exceptions like the Cannes Short Film Competition) for A Martian Eclipse, now I’m ready for the technical run-through next week of the short. The shoot is scheduled for early December and the aim is to have the post finished so that we can enter AME into the Cannes 2010 short film competition (less than 15min) and possibly the Cannes 2010 sfc (which can be done via withoutabox!).

The update to my IMDb page has been accepted by the adjudicators and I’d welcome your clicks on the link (this improves ones movie-meter ratings) and also the page for last years short A Question Of Content. Every little click helps!

PS. The photo above is Jack Marshall's new mini-HD camera on it's rack with the M2 film effect filter attached... teeny isn't it!