Saturday, November 28, 2009
The best laid plans…!
After attending the funeral yesterday of a fellow re-enactor from the Medieval Siege Society I’ve decided to put off my rather trivial planned show (Hairspray) and film (The Lovely Bones) review for a word or two about Christopher John Broome-Smith (1951 – 2009). Chris was a founder member of the MSS and his death leaves the society the poorer. Anyone, who is a member of any organised group of people, will know that there are doers and watchers and Chris was one of the best doers that I ever had the privilege to meet. He had time for everyone and lived his life to the full. A dedicated family man, his wife Sheila (a fellow member of the MSS) is surrounded by the heart felt best wishes and support of her family, friends and the society membership. Goodbye Chris!