Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lover and more

Apologies once again for the bloggap but it has been a busy time.
1) Yesterday I attended a film premiere, at the Solo Screening Rooms in London, of a short made by Sabina Satter called "Lover". It’s a film that left you wanting more and was well crafted with some fine performances amongst the cast (which included a 10-second moment of fame for myself!).
2) We’ve had a second development meeting (myself as writer and Trevor Hughes & Claire Barker from Frame On Frame) on the Babbage feature film project and the third draft is well on its way.
3) Movement has started again on The Bloodline feature, but I can’t say any more at this time.
4) Preparations continue for Cannes 2009 but on the wider festival front, I’ve entered A Question Of Content into the Milwaukee SFF. However, I’ve had to dispatch a second DVD to the Washougal IFF as the first copy seems to have been lost in space!
5) Oh and tomorrow it’s my birthday and over this last week my wife and I have been catching up with friends and family, culminating in a mass (family) trip tomorrow to see "Star Trek" and then a meal after!

Be Part Of The Miracle!!
email:- brokenarrowfilms