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email:- brokenarrowfilms
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Glamour at Cannes and more.
Back from Cannes to end the blog-draught, but hardly a moment to relax as I travelled to BAFTA on Thursday to attend the premiere of Morrison’s Birthday Party, a short made by Frame On Frame (Trevor Hughes and Claire Barker). There was no time to discuss the Babbage feature draft three (which I’ve written for them), but Claire was able to say that we’re going in the right direction. Friday was my Creative Writing refresher course and today Diane and I are off to do some medieval re-enacting (for new readers we are archers). All this and not feeling 100%, but I’ll not bore you with that accept to say that it limited the fun at Cannes. Despite a more subdued Cannes than last year it was nevertheless a success, as I held two brief business meetings and met some interesting people. They included a Director/Filmmaker David Hewitt who had read and enjoyed an early version of The Bloodline (more on this another time!) and Paula Labaredas an American actress that looked like how I had imagined Sandie (the lead female character) when I was writing the original version of The Bloodline. Interestingly enough I had a specific American actor in mind for the male lead, James Masters. He’d be an older more evil and American version of Spike (Buffy/Angel), but we haven’t approached him because it’s unlikely that he’d wish to reprise his vampire persona. Regular readers will remember that The Bloodline location is now likely to be Portugal for funding and other considerations. Well, it just so happens that Paula has Portuguese parents (... small world no?) and she is also interested in the part! We are now in communication and I’ve sent her the latest English-location version of the script. My Producer approves the exploration of the possibilities so watch this space.
cannes 2009,
Charles Babbage,
james masters,
paula labaredas,
the bloodline