Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Pied Piper Killer

The Pied Piper Killer is the new name for my feature By Degrees. I’ve been fiddling with the script and I’m now very happy with its 103 pages. In any event it’s now printed and my dear wife will be proof reading and critiquing the work over the next week or so (wish me luck!).

My other feature The Bloodline is still stuck in the mud having obtained an almost non-existent priority with my Producers (Oh, if only we could do without them!).

However, there is good news about my short The Triumph of Venus…. It’s now officially entered into the Cannes 2010 Short Film Competition (lots of luck wishing here please!) and will shortly be entered into the Cannes 2010 Short Film Corner (which is the Cannes market and not a competition). Well done to Jack Marshall who edited the film!