As promised more about the weekend. Jack Marshall is reaching the final stages of his short Intruder and on Sunday the music for the film was being recorded at Witchford near Ely, Cambridgeshire. This was an elaborate affair with an 18 piece orchestra, sound recordest and camera team (for the "making of"). My wife and I decided to make a weekend of it so on Saturday we "did" Ely, including the cathedral by day and a concert in the evening (Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah). Sunday morning we were on the Fens at Wicken Nature Reserve and PM, into the early evening, helping Jack with the camera work at the music recording. I was extremely impressed by the professionalism of the conductor, sound engineer and orchestra who had all given up their day for the love of it… And now I must get back to Babbage draft II! Oh, and as a taster, below are some of the impressions of the events, enjoy.