Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Lecture - Sorry!
I had a meeting with my feature Producer for The Bloodline, it looks like the project may start moving again, but I can’t give details… except that I’ve got some tasks to perform. This could clash with draft II of the Babbage feature but we’ll have to see. On that front my Producer said I should be careful what I put on the blog. He’d met one of my new readers recently who was shocked to see I’d written a 92 page script in six days and thought that it must sh*t because of this.
This misses three points:
1) The blog is warts and all and if that makes me look bad so be it.
2) The Babbage project needed an injection of pace and to this end it has worked as I’ve been asked to do draft II and the production team now have a clearer picture of what they want.
3) I’ve been consulting on the project for almost a year and carrying out significant research and it was a good treatment to work from.
So a message to my readers… if something seems odd or out of place e-mail me and I’ll explain, don’t make assumptions. If this person, who will remain nameless, had followed the thread backward for the Babbage project they would have discovered points 2&3 above at least. I’m not going to bore readers by putting yards of back-story into every blog so I apologise to new readers if they find that they have to do some digging! Once again if you have a problem you’ll find the e-mail link on this page. Lecture over – God Bless!