Saturday, January 3, 2009

Battlestar Galactica

Traditionally one does a review of the year at this time, but until today my Laptop had other ideas so you’ve been lucky enough to miss it! However, you’ll find my first ever blog (14 January 2008) here and you can follow the links if you missed anything, and have nothing better to do!!!!??

I hope you all had a splendid holiday… but are you now suffering from a post Christmas melancholy? Is the thought of the “work” ahead dragging you down? Or can’t you wait to get back to the grindstone? Regular readers will know that I have several projects at various stages of development, so in theory I have plenty of creative outlets at my disposal… but since that somewhat lukewarm response to The Bloodline ReWrite, by the Director designate (see previous blog), I’m in something of a malaise. Therefore instead of being productive I’ve been enjoying Battlestar Galactica Series 4, DVD’s from Lovefilm. It’s not as good as series 3 (e.g. the Grace Park, mixed marriage, subplot seems to be on hold) but it’s a dead easy way of passing a day or two!

Grace Park Battlestar Galactica - More amazing videos are a click away

Be Part Of The Miracle!!