I’m still waiting for the Director designate’s feedback on The Bloodline feature ReWrite, so in the mean time I’ve been corresponding with Jack Marshall over the theme music for the short A Question Of Content. I feel that this will either make or break the project (assuming we get the “print” quality issues fixed!).
Never one to throw moral stones around the greenhouse of life, I've been driven (see below) to share with you an experience I had involving BBC radio 4. A recent Feedback program had a segment discussing a stand-up comedy program aired at 6.30pm. I was driving my car at the time (hence listening to R4!) so the prog was a background noise until a BBC brass hat come on the air to defend a smutty joke that had been transmitted. Well his condescending tone to the listeners who had complained nearly sent me into a spin! So much so that I was “driven” to do something I rarely do…. ie I sent them a “discussed of Tunbridge Wells” email. The email read:-
“I cannot believe how out of touch the BBC management are with reality. This evening I listened to the patronising head of comedy tell your audience that he knew best and that his checks and balances were just fine. Now, I have no problem with a suggestive joke (even if it implied sex with a dog!) after the watershed, but to allow the same joke at 6.30pm is simply outrageous. Even if children did not get the point, their parents would have and they were likely to have felt uncomfortable. This was not even acknowledged by the remote man at the top! But what if just one unprepared parent was asked an awkward question by their child, is it the BBC policy that this child and parent are forced to face the issue at the BBC’s pace and timing? Are the BBC reduced to a chase for the greener grass of outspoken comedy at the cost of it’s home farm sensitivities as a public service?”
Be Part Of The Miracle!!